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Why Do We Have Two Eyes For Vision Not Just One

 There are advantage of having two eyes instead of one. Some of these are given below:

1. Having Two Eyes Gives a Wider Field of View.A human being has a horizontal field of view of about 150° with one eye open, the field of view becomes 180°. Thus, having two eyes gives a wider field of view. 

This means that with two eyes open, we can see a much larger area in front of us (that can be seen with only one eye).

The human being have two eyes at the front of their head, so their field of view is limited to about 180. Some animals, however, have their two eyes located on the opposite sides of their two eyes located on the opposite sides of their head have the widest possible field of view.

They can see much larger area around them than the human being can see. They can see much larger area of prey (like rabbit 🐇, deer 🦌, chicken 🐔, fish 🐠, etc) have their two eyes on the opposite sides of their heads so they can see their enimies (predators) in a very large area around them and try to escape from them. A domestic animals having its two eyes on the opposite sides of the head is horse.

2. Having Two Eyes Enable Us to Judge Distance More Accurately. Our two eyes are a few centimetres apart from each other. Due to this, the two eyes see the same object from two slightly different angles and send two slightly different images of the same object to the brain 🧠. This brain combines these two slightly different images to build a three-dimensional picture of the object which enables us to judge the distance of the object more accurately.

This will become clear from the following example. Let us take two sharpened pencils, one in each hand. Stretch the arms forward and try touching the tips of pencils first with one open them with both eyes open.

We will find that it is difficult to touch the tips of two pencils with one eye open and then with both eyes open. We will find that is difficult to touch the tips of pencils with one eye open,we can judge the distances of the pencils tips more accurately.

Human beings (and all other animals having their eyes at the front of their head) are said to have stereoscopic vision (or stereopsis) which gives the perception of depth. All the predators (like tiger, lion, etc.) have their eyes at the front of head so that they can judge the distance of their prey accurately and catch them easily.

The Gift of Vision

There are millions of blind people in our country who cannot see at all. The eyesight of most of these blind people can be restored if they are given the eyes donated by other person after their death. In this way, our eyes can live even after our death. In fact two eyes can give eyesight to two blind persons (each getting one eye), and make them see this beautiful world.

Some of the important points to be noted about the donation of eyes are the following:

1. Any person of any age or sex (male or female) can donate eyes. People who were spectacle or have undergone cataract operation can also donate eyes.

Even the person having ailments such as diabetes (sugar), hypertension (blood pressure) and asthma can donate eyes. But they should not have any communicable disease. The persons who were infected with or died because of disease such as AIDS, hepatitis B or C, rabbit, leukaemia, tetanus, cholera, meningitis, or encephalitis, however, cannot donate eyes.

2. After the death of the person (who had registered for eye donation), the eye bank should be informed immediately. This is because eyes must be removed within 4 to 6 hours of a person's death.

3. The doctor of the eye bank team will remove the eyes at the home of the death person or at the hospital. It takes only 10 to 15 minutes to remove the eyes. There is no disfigurement of the face in this process.

4. The eye bank distributes the donated eyes to various eye hospitals where these are transplanted in the blind people through surgical operation.

5. Those donated eyes which are not suitable for transplantation, are used for doing reasearch and for teaching purposes medical colleges.

We can, even today make a pledge in writing with the eye bank of our area that (God forbid) whenever we die our eyes should be removed and given to the blind persons to light up their dark world! We should be grateful to God that he has given us the gift of vision to see this wonderful world

 Let us pass von this priciless gift of vision to our less fortunate blind brothers and sisters by registering our name for eye donation.