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Surface Tension

It is well known fact liquids assume the shape of the container. Why is then small drops of mercury form sperical bead instead of spreading on the surface. Why do particles of soil at the bottom y river remain separated but they stick together whey taken out?  Why does a liquid rise (or…

Vapour pressure

If an evacuated container is partially filled with a liquid, a portion of liquid evaporates to fill the remaining volume of the container with vapour. Initially the liquid evaporates and vapour. Initially the liquid evaporates and pressure exerted by vapours on the walls of the containe…


The first of the thermodynamics tells us about the relationship between y heat absorbed and the work performed on  or by a system. It puts no restrictions on the direction of heat flow. However, the flow of heat is unidirectional from higher temperatures to heat is unidirectional from h…

Structure of Atom

"The rich diversity of chemical behaviour of different elements can be traced to the difference in the internal structure of atoms of these elements." The existence of atoms has been proposed since the time of early Indian and Greek philosophers (400B.C.) who were of the view …

Structure of Organic Molecules

Molecules result by the union of atoms. Before a comprehensive study of the structure of organic molecules could be made, it is necessary to know what an atom is; why and how combines with atoms to form molecules. Early Concept According to Bohr's atomic model (1913) an atom consist…