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 What is noise pollution?                                                                                                                                         The unwanted sound in called noise. The sounds of high decibels (decibels is a unit of a measuring strength of a sound) like 95, 100, 110, 150, 170 etc. create harmful effect on human health. This is called noise pollution.       

Sourse of noise pollution.     

(I). The increase Speed and length of railway trains increase the volume of produced by them during their journey.                                                                      (II). In factories the high speed machines create more and more noise.                                                      Loud speaker 🔇🔊 (95decibels), aeroplanes (100decibles). moter horn (110decibles) rocket 🚀 (170decibles), siron (150decibles), moter cycles (110 decibels) etc., Creat harm effect on human life.

Effects of noise pollution

(I). Exercise noise disturbs the blood pressure modifies rhythm and affects the system.

(II). Prolonged exposure to noise is harmful nervous system and also affects memory adversely.

(III). Noise leads to gradual loss of learning capacity of human beings.

(IV). The sound pollution causes confusion in colour perception and thus may reduce the field of vision.

(V). The excessive noise produes psychological effects on human beings, e.g., it increase diastolic blood  pressure, irritability, neuro- muscular tension etc.

(VI). Excessive sounds disturbs sound sleep 😴💤 and proper rest.

(VII). It decreases the efficience of working.

(VII). A sound of high decibels (~ 160 decibels) create headache.

(IX). Noise pollution may increase violence and may couse a state of depression and tinedness.

(X). Sound affects human pregnant mothers and increase the rate of their heart beating and has advers effects on the newly- born child.