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Collection and Disposal

Domestic wastes are collected in small bins, which are then transferred to community bins by private or municipal worker.

From these community bins , these are collected and carried to tht disposable site. At the site, garbage is sorted out and separated into biodegradable and non- biodegradable materials.

Non - boidegrable materials such as plastic, glass, metal scraps etc. are sent for recycling. Biodegradable wastes are deposited in land fills and are converted into conpost.

The waste if not collected in garbage bins, finds its ways into the sewers. Some of it is eaten by cattle. Non- biodegradable wastes like polythene metal scraps, etc. Choke the sewers and cause inconvenience. Polythene bags 🛍️, if swallowed by cattle can cost their lives also.

As a normal practice, therefore, all domestic wastes should be properly collected and disposed. The poor management causes health problems leading to epidemic due to contamination of grounds water.

It is specially with the waste such as rag pickers and wokers involved in waste disposal as they are  the onces  who handle waste   materials mosely without protective device such as gloves or water proof boots and gas masks.

Environment chemistry plays a major role in environment. Chemical species present in environment are either naturally occurring or generated by human activities.