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Redox Reaction

" Where there is oxidation there is always reduction - Chimestry is essentially a study of redox systems. " Chimestry deals with varieties of matter and change of one kind of matter into the other. Transformation of matter from one kind into another occurs through the various …

Modulation And Its Necessity

As already mentioned, the purpose of a communication system is to transmit information or message signals. Message signals are also called baseband signals, which essentially designate the band of frequencies representing the original signal, as delivered by the source of information. N…

The History of Wave Particle flip- flop

What is light? This question has haunted mankind for a long time. But systematic experiments were done by scientists since the dawn of the scientific and industrial era, about four centuries ago. Around the same time, theoretical models about what light is made of were developed. While bu…

Wave Optics

Introduction In 1637 Desartes gave the corpuscular model of light derived Snell's law. It explained the laws of reflection and refraction of light at an interface. The corpuscular model predicted that if the ray of light (on refraction) bends towards the normal then the speed of lig…

p - n Junction

Consider a thin p-types silicone (p- Si) semiconductor water. By adding precisely a small quantity of penravelent impurity, part of the p- SI wafer can be converted into n- Si. There  are several processes by which a semiconductor can be formed. The wafer now contains p- region and n- r…