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Accommodation (Eye 👀)

A normal eye can see the distant objects as well as the nearby objt clearly.We will now discuss how the eye is able to focus the objects lying at various distances. An eye 👀 focus the image of the distance objects as well as the nearby objects on its retina by changing the focal length…

Geothermal Energy

' Geo' means 'earth' and 'thermal' means ' heat'. Thus, geothermal energy is the heat energy from hot rocks present inside t earth. This heat can be used as a source of energy to produce electricity. Please note that geothermal is one of t few sources of …

Rods and Cones (Eye)

The retina of our eye has a large number of light- sensitive cells. There are two kinds of light- sensitive cells on retina: rods and cones. (1). Rods are the rod- shaped in the retina of an eye which are sensitive to dim light. Rods are the most important for vision in dim light (as du…

The light rays coming from the object kept in front of us enter through the cornea of the eye, pass through the pupil of the eye and fall on the eye- lens. The eye- lens, so it converges the light rays and produces a real and inverted image of the object on the retina. (Actually, the oute…

The Human Eye 👁️

The main parts of the human eye are: Cornea, Iris, Pupil, Ciliary muscles, Eye lens, Ratena and Optic nerve. The eye -ball is approximately spherical in shape having a diameter of about 2.5 cm. We will now describe the construction and working of the eye. Construction of the Eye The fro…