Coordination Compounds are backbone of modern inorganic and bio-inorganic and bio-chimestry and chemical industry. In the previous Unit we learnt that transition metals form a large number of complex compounds in which the metal atoms and bound to a number of anions or neutral molecules…
The mostajortity of solid substances like high temperature superconductors, biocompatible plastics, silicon chips, etc, are destined to play an ever expanding role in future development of science. We are mostly surrounded by solid and we use them more often than luquid and gases. For d…
Some of the most important chemical are produced industrial by means of reaction that occur on the surfaces of solid catalyts. Surface chemistry deals with phenomenon that occur at the surfaces or interfaces. The interface or surface is represented by separating the bulk phase by a hyph…
Fats and oils belong to the group of naturally occurring compounds called Lipids (Greek, lipid=fat). Lipids are those consituents of animals and plants which are soluble in organic solvents such as either, chloroform of animals and plants which are soluble in organic solvents such as et…