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Chemical fertilizers

 Chemical fertilizers ( plants nutrients). Nitrrate/phosphate salts are generally used as fertilizers, to increase the yield of the crops.

When these fertilizers are used in excess, some of their unused quantity is wasted away from the agricultural lands into the ponds, lakes and rivers with rain 🌧️ water and thus pullute the water.

This water 🌊 is polluted since it contains unused nitrate/phosphate salts. Simerlerly the  waste water coming from the fertilizers nitrate/phosphate salt 🧂. Simerlerly the waste water coming from the fertilizers which, when wasted away in to the lakes and rivers with rain 🌧️ water, make the water polluted.

The presence of nitrogenous/phosphatic fertilizers in water os hamful to the aquatic life and human beings in the following ways:

((i). The presence of fertilizers in the polluted increase the growth of algen and other aquatic plants ☘️ which, later on, undergo decomposition and produce disagreeable odour. These plants also  deplete the amout of O2 dissolved in water 💦 and hence the survival of aquatic life becomes difficult or impossible.

(b). After a long period the lakes and show moving waters which contains plants ☘️ nutrients are converted  into swamps (A swamp marsh is an area of very wet land with wild plants growing in it).And marshes (A marsh is an area of land which is very wet and muddy)

(c). The water contaning nitrate salt 🧂 is not 🚫 fit for drinking by human beings. Moreover, this polluted water 💦 cannot be purified for drinking 🚰 purposed.

Desease producing micro- organisms:

If the residents of a municipality are suffering from desease like dysentry, typhoid, cholera etc., The faces and urine discharge by such patients micro-organisms which ate transmitted through water supplies and thus produce disease in other living beings.