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Gaseous State

 All matter in there states: gas, liquid and solid. A molecular level representation of gases, liquid and solid states is shown in figure:

A gas consists of molecules separated wide apart in empty space. The molecules are free to move about throughout the container.

A liquid has molecules touching each other. However, the intermolecular space, permit the movement of molecules throughout the liquid.

A solid has molecules, atoms or ions arranged in a certain order in fixed positions in the crystal lattice. The particles in a solid are  not free to move about but vibrate in their fixed positions. Of studies are best understood. We shall consider it first.


1. Expansibility

Gas hase limitless expansibility. They expand to fill the entire vessel are placed in.

2. Compressibility

Gases are easily compressed by application of pressure to s movable in the container.

Gases can diffuse rapidly through each other to from a homogenous mixture.

Gases expert pressure on the walls of the container in all directions.

Effect of Heat
When s gas, confined in a vessel is heated, its pressure increases, Upon heating in a vessel fitted with a poston, volume of the gas increase.
The above properties of gases can be easily explained by the Kinetic Molecular Theory.

A gas sample can be discrible in terms of four parameters (measurable properties):
  1. The volume, V of the gas
  2. Its pressure, P
  3. Its temputure, T
  4. The number of moles, n, of gases in the container.