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Nuclear Reactions

In a chemical reaction there is merely a rearrangement of extra nuclear electrons. The atomic nuclears remains intact. A nuclear reactor involves a charge in the composition of the nuclears. The number of protons and neutrons in the nuclears is altered.

The product is a new nucleus of another atom ⚛️ with a different atomic number and/ or mass. Thus,

A nuclear reaction is one which proceeds with a charge in the composition of the nucleus so as to produce an atom ⚛️ of a new element.


The conversion of one element of another by a nuclear change is called transmutation.

We have already considered the nucleus reaction of radioactive nuclei, producing new isotopes.

Here we will consider such reactions caused by artificial means.

  1. Defferences Between Nuclear Reaction And Chemical Reactions 

Nuclear Reactions

  • Proceed by redistribution of nuclear particles.
  • One element may be converted into another.
  • Often accompanied by release or absorption of enormous amount of energy.
Factors such as concentration, temperation, pressure and catalyst.

Chemical Reactions

  • Proceed by the rearrangement of extra nuclear electrons.
  • No new element can be produced.
  • Accompanied by release or absorption of relatively small amount of energy.
Rate of reaction is influenced by external factors.