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Industrial Pollution

 What is industrial pollution?

As already said, the waste discharges by industrial make water 🌊, air and biosphere polluted. This type of pollution is called Industrial pollution.    

The industrial wastes contain compouds of Hg, Na, Cd, As, Pb, Ca etc., Inorganic minerals organic compound, acids, alkalies, phrnols etc. 

When these wastes area thrown into the lakes and rivers, the water 💦 of the lakes and rivers get polluted. The wates are very hamful, since they injure or kill the first and aquatic life and also render the water unfit for drinking 🚰 and for industrial use.

Hot water discharge from industrial also pollutes water, since it is harmful for fish 🐠 and aquatic life.

Industrial pollutants ts  and their effects
Following are the most important industrial pollutants which affect adversely human, plant ☘️ and aquatic life.

1. Lead, When leaded gasoline undergoes combustion in automobile, lead in form of tetremethy lead and tetremethy lead compounds are brought down on the earth 🌎 by rain 🌧️ and thus enter into water 🌊 of lakes and rivers. The compounds likes PbCl2, PbBr2, PbBrCl, PbS gets its entry into water from lead pipes.

Intake of lead by human beings, animals and plants ☘️ I hamful as show below:

(i). When rats are exposed to lead polluted air, they die in two- third of their average life span.

(ii). The birds  🕊️ and shot, but recover usually, subsequently die due to lead- prrsonning.

(iii). The lead- polluted air has its has its adverse effects on vegetables, e.g. the road- side vegetables are dried up by the exposure of lead- polluted air.

(iv). If lead is taken by human even in small amounts, it affects breathing and nervous system.

Leaf 🌿 can also be absorbed by skin, resulting into many skin malfunctioning, nervous disorders and brain damage.