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Osmotic Pressure

 What is Osmotic Pressure?

A porous pot with cupric ferricyanide membrane deposited in its walls is filled with a rubber stopper having a long glass tube. It is filled with concentration aqueous sugar solution and immersed in distilled water. The osmosis of water through the membrane from water to the suger solution takes place. As a result, the solution level in the long tube rises over period of time. After a few days the level attains a dufinite maximum value. This marks the stage when the hydrostatic pressure set up due to the column of sugar solution counterbalance the flow of pure water (or osmosis) into the solution.


The hydrostatic pressure built up on the solution which just steps the Osmosis of pure solvent into the solution through a semipermeable membrane. is called Osmotic Pressure.

Osmosis can be contracted not only by hydrostatic pressure but also by application of external pressure on the solution. The external pressure may be adjusted  so as to prevent the osmosis of pure water into solution. This provides another definition of osmotic pressure

Osmotic Pressure may be defined as the external pressure applied to the solution in order to step the osmosis of solvent into solution separated by a semipermeable membreane.
This definition can be illustrated by means of the apparatus. The external pressure on the solution is applied with the help of the piston and the  progress of osmosis is shown by the movement of the liquid in the flow indicator. The pressure required just to arrest the movement of the liquid level in the flow indicator, is equal to the osmotic pressure of the solution.

Kidney Dialysis

Kindly Dialysis, also known as hemodialysis, is a medical treatment used to remove waste materials from the blood of patients lacking renal function. Blood from an artery is pumped through s dialyzer, or artificial kidney, where it flows past a semipermeable membrane Dialysis fluid passing on the other side of the membrane remove unwanted elements in the blood by diffusion. The blood is then returned to the through a vein.